I think it is Romantic Comedy or something...I'm not sure. But I rememeber there were some scenes that made us laugh.
There are 5 characters which I memorize/ Including Westley, Buttercup, Inigo, Fezzik and Prince Humperdinck.
1. Westley, probably was a man who starts as a farm boy but becomes a pirate.
"As you wish"
2. Buttercup, or princess Buttercup. She is a beautiful woman who falls in love with Westley.

As Westley gets caught by a pirate, she claims that 'she died that time' which means girl buttercup who fell in love with Westley doesn't exist anymore. She decides to marry prince Humperdinck, who she doesn't even love at all.
"Westley will come for me"
3. Prince Humperdinck, He is a prince as you can see.
Prince is a greedy man who desn't let anyone, or anything to take away his owns and distract his ways. He will do anything to get what he wants, and I think he is kind of selfish.
"I knew it! I knew he was just bluffering!"
4. Inigo, is a spanish man who fights with sword (he is my favorite character)
He lives for revenge of his father's death. He looks for six-fingered-man
"My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die"
5. Fezzik, is a giant wo has amazing strength
But he is cute enough for his awkward English.
"Anybody want a peanut?"
To summerize the story shortly,it starts with romance between Westley and Buttercup.

When he opens his eyes, he is in the mysterious shelter of six-fingered-man. He gets some of his life taken by some kind of machine. At that time, Buttercup tell the price that her true love is Westley that she is not going to marry the prince. Of course prince gets mad, runs to the mysterious shelter and takes all left overs of Westley's life. Westley becomes half dead man.
Fortunately, Inigo the spanish man and Fezzik the giant comes to find him. They find him dead and take him to the miracle seler in order to make him revive. Westley wakes up but can't move his body properly.(I enjoyed this par the most) He can't get his head stand still that Fezzik had to hold it.
Anyway, they gets into the castle. Inigo finds six-fingered-man there and succeed in revenge by killing him. Westley goes to Buttercup's room and makes up plan to get her out of the castle. Prince tries to catch them from escaping but not good enough to do so. He gets tied on a chair, watching them getting on horses and finally escaping i peace.
Four of them becomes pirates or something and live happily ever after! Happy Ending! Ta-Da! Maybe little bit of cliff hanger...I think it would be goo to tell about their life after escape.
It is an interesting and exciting story but maybe it is too fantasical and too much..comedy. Romantic scenes should have be shown more in this kind of story rather than over-using of comic sources.
Story lost seriousness. It would have been god if romance and comedy parts make balance. But still, I laughed a lot during watching the movie.
I really enjoyed the good example of fairytale. The movie was overall, fun and exciting.
There were many settings which could only be seen in fantasies.
The director, Rob Reiner, I think he did a good job on telling new sense of Fairytale with comical sources.
Additionally and Idea of using a boy and his Grandfater as a storyteller was fresh, I liked it.
Want some more about the move 'The Princess Bride'?
As you wish! :D
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Click for Trailer Movie
Hi June- Are you finished with this post? If so, it is too short. It needs to be 500 words so please keep going. You can add a paragraph about the plot, your opinion, leadership and a conclusion.
ReplyDeleteI like the style of this post with the pictures and explanations.
June Bae- Now this is a complete post. You did a great job on the format and I really like the ending, as you wish!